============================================================================= Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver with SQL Connector Release Notes =============================================================================

The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, and known issues in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.17, as well as the version history.

2.0.17 ======================================================================

Released 2017-09-27

Enhancements & New Features

  • Prefixes for log file names

    You can now configure the driver to add a prefix to log file names. The prefix includes the user name associated with the connection and the process ID of the application through which the connection is made. To enable this feature, set the UseLogPrefix connection property to 1. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Known Issues

The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the driver, or an application.

  • Text area fields will return string data “as is” from the REST API, possibly returning carriage-return line-feed sequences instead of
    line-feeds only, as was usual for the SOAP API.

  • There are rounding discrepencies between SOAP, REST and Bulk API when using the SOQL CONVERTCURRENCY scalar function.

  • NULL vs empty string results when using the SOQL FORMAT scalar function.

    Due to the way data is mapped, there is no way for the driver to differentiate empty and NULL values in the CSV results that the Bulk API returns. You must use REST for empty string data.

  • QueryAll is currently not compatible with the Bulk API.

    Enabling QueryAll will disable Bulk API queries in all cases.

  • Base64 data is currently not yet supported.

  • The CONVERTCURRENCY, DISTANCE, and FORMAT functions are not supported in filters.

    These SOQL functions and their aliases cannot be used in filters. Only fields can be used in filters.

  • The following SQL features are not supported by the driver:
    • Typeof
    • Offset
    • With
  • Binary data types are not supported for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

  • Support for the Encrypted TextArea custom field type is limited.

    The driver retrieves the field as a string of asterisks (for example, "***"), which may cause filtering to be incorrect.

  • Query processing is not optimal when GROUP BY returns large result sets.

    Normally, when a result set exceeds 2000 rows, the driver will use the queryMore() call and a server-side cursor to retrieve additional rows in 1000-row chunks. Doing so allows the query to be processed efficiently. However, if the query contains a GROUP BY clause, then queryMore() cannot be used. In this case, you must change the filtering conditions to query data in smaller chunks.

  • SQL string operators are case-sensitive.

    Although Salesforce uses case-insensitive matching for string operators such as “=” and “LIKE”, the driver processes SQL string operators in a case-sensitive manner.

  • Restrictions in queries may not be enforced during the prepare stage.

    A query may succeed during the prepare stage even if it violates one of the following:
    • Restrictions on using ToLabel() in the filter clause.
    • Restrictions on using fields in the HAVING clause.
    • Restrictions on the operations that can be performed for specific data types. For example, ORDER BY is not supported for the following data types:
      • Multi-select picklist
      • Rich text area
      • Long text area
      • Encrypted The query fails when it is executed.

Version History ==============================================================

2.0.16 ———————————————————————–

Released 2017-09-14

Resolved Issues

The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.16.

  • In some cases, queries that have been running for a long time consume a significant amount of memory.

2.0.15 ———————————————————————–

Released 2017-09-01

Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.15.

  • In some cases, the driver returns an error when attempting to execute long and complex queries, such as those that contain multiple joins.

    This issue has been resolved. Before, this issue occurred because join passdown was used for part of the query but projection passdown was not used; as a result, the driver generated a SOQL query that was too long to be processed. The driver now generates optimized SOQL queries that involve fewer columns.

  • In some cases, when the driver uses the Bulk API to query large tables, rows are missing from the returned results.

    This issue has been resolved. Before, this issue occurred because the driver was unable to handle multiple result sets in a single batch request. The driver is now able to fetch multiple result sets in a single batch request and in each PK chunked batch.

2.0.14 ———————————————————————–

Released 2017-08-18

Enhancements & New Features

  • Limit the size of a PK Chunk batch

    Users can now limit a PK Chunk result batch to be a maximum size, in bytes. This is set using the PKChunkMaxMem connection string property.

  • Performance enhancement for joined queries

    In some cases where queries contain joins, the generated SOQL query is now shorter, improving performance.

Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.14.

  • The string literal “#N/A” could not be inserted/upserted into a string column.

  • "" (empty string) would not be properly inserted/updated for a string column.

  • The error message when a connection error occurs because of an invalid value for the URL connection string property was misleading.

2.0.13 ———————————————————————–

Released 2017-08-09

Resolved Issues

The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.13.

  • When using the Bulk API to execute a query that returns an empty batch, the driver returns incorrect results.

2.0.12 ———————————————————————–

Released 2017-08-04

Resolved Issues

The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.12.

  • When using the Bulk API to execute a query that returns an empty batch, the driver returns incorrect results.

2.0.11 ———————————————————————–

Released 2017-07-28

Resolved Issues

The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.11.

  • Error in parsing HTML escape sequences.

2.0.10 ———————————————————————–

Released 2017-07-04

Enhancements & New Features

  • Updated filtering for string fields

    When filtering Salesforce string fields that are not Id or Reference fields, the driver now filters the data in a case-insensitive manner, allowing more flexibility in how filtering terms are specified.

  • Error message locales

    You can now specify the locale for the driver error messages by setting the Locale connection property.

  • JunctionIdListNames support

    The driver now supports JunctionIdListNames fields, and returns them as SQL_VARCHAR or SQL_WVARCHAR columns (depending on how the Use SQL_WVARCHAR Instead Of SQL_VARCHAR option or the UseWVarChar property has been set).

  • More descriptive value returned for SQL_DBMS_NAME

    When SQLGetInfo is called, the driver now returns “Salesforce” as the SQL_DBMS_NAME value. Previously, the driver returned “TEXT”.

Resolved Issues

The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.10.

  • INSERT statement does not use default Salesforce values for empty fields.

    This issue has been resolved. The default values defined in Salesforce are now inserted into these fields.

2.0.9 ————————————————————————

Released 2017-05-12

Enhancements & New Features

  • Improved pass down and join handling

    The driver now handles passing down joins that involve child to parent to parent, and passing down filters for joins.

Resolved Issues

The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.9.

  • When multiple connections are used on the same account and AutoLogout is enabled, the driver does not correctly retry login if the Bulk API is being used. The driver will now either attempt to login again once or throw an error.

2.0.8 ————————————————————————


Enhancements & New Features

  • Additional retry logic

    The driver now uses additional retry logic to better handle unexpected network issues.

2.0.7 ————————————————————————

Released 2017-03-16

Enhancements & New Features

  • Updated third-party library dependencies

    The driver has been updated to incorporate newer versions of the third- party library dependencies.

Resolved Issues The following issues were resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.7.

  • When translating a SQL query where the SELECT clause contains the same column more than once, the driver generates an incorrect SOQL statement.

  • In some cases, when attempting to execute queries using the Bulk API, the driver returns the following error message: “Error: Failed writing received data to disk/application”.

  • In some cases, when issuing a long query, the driver returns the following error: “JSON parsing error: The document is empty”.

  • Segmentation fault in Driver Manager detection on Linux.

2.0.6 ————————————————————————

Released 2017-02-24

Resolved Issues The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.6.

  • Login information for the driver will now recognize escape characters for XML.

2.0.5 ————————————————————————

Released 2017-01-27

Enhancements & New Features

  • Upgraded OpenSSL library

    The driver now uses OpenSSL 1.0.2. Previously, the driver used OpenSSL 1.0.1l.

Resolved Issues The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.5.

  • When attempting to use the Windows trust store on Windows Server 2016, an access violation exception occurs.

2.0.4 ————————————————————————

Released 2017-01-17

Enhancements & New Features

  • Transaction simulation for specific connections

    You can now configure the SimulateTransactions property to specify whether the driver simulates transactions for the current connection. This setting takes precedence over the EnableTransactions setting, which applies to all connections. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • Configuration options for batch operation polling

    You can now specify whether the driver polls the status of a batch operation at a specific time interval or by using an exponential backoff policy. You can also specify the time intervals between each poll.

    For more information, see the descriptions for the following new options in the Installation and Configuration Guide:
    • Bulk Polling Interval (the BulkPollInterval property)
    • Enable Backoff When Checking Status (the EnableBulkBackoff property)
    • Maximum Backoff Delay (the BulkBackoffMaxDelay property)
    • Minimum Backoff Delay (the BulkBackoffMinDelay property)

2.0.3 ————————————————————————

Released 2016-12-09

Enhancements & New Features

  • Disable Join Passdown

    The driver can now disable joining a table with a query that is passed down during a join. To disable passdown joins, select the Disable Join Passdown check box, or set the DisableJoinPassdown option to 1.

  • Use Windows Trust Store to verify connection

    The driver can now verify the connection to the data store with an SSL certificate stored in the Windows Trust Store. To use the Windows Trust Store, select the Use System Trust Store check box, or set the UseSystemTrustStore option to 1.

  • Column metadata now prints SOQL parent relationship prefixes in column names

    The driver now returns parent relationship prefixes in column names. For example, the query

    SELECT FirstName, Account.Name, Account.ID FROM Contact

    now returns columns named FirstName, Account.Name, and Account.ID.

Resolved Issues The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.3.

  • Unexpected “sObject type ‘Organization’ is not supported” error

2.0.2 ————————————————————————

Released 2016-10-21

Resolved Issues The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.2.

  • Using https:// in sandbox URL connection parameter causes an error

    This issue has been resolved. The parameter now supports the https:// prefix, and also a trailing /.

2.0.1 ————————————————————————

Released 2016-10-04

Resolved Issues The following issues were resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.0.1.

  • SQL mode projection aliasing not handled correctly.

  • String literals are not properly escaped in filters.

  • CSV reports return boolean values as “1” or “0”, rather than “true” or “false”.

  • Large text area fields may cause ICU conversion errors.

  • In some cases, error messages for failed queries are misleading or unhelpful.

    This issue has been resolved. Error messages have been updated to provide better information for troubleshooting issues.
