============================================================================== Magnitude Simba Snowflake ODBC Data Connector Release Notes ==============================================================================

The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Simba Snowflake ODBC Connector 2.24.1, as well as the version history.

Simba Snowflake ODBC Connector 2.24.1 is based on Snowflake ODBC Driver 2.24.1. For information about additional changes, see the Snowflake ODBC Driver release notes: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/release-notes/client-change-log-odbc.html.

2.24.1 =======================================================================

Released 2021-09-24

Enhancements & New Features

  • [SNOW-333] GET_FASTFAIL support

When using the GET command, you can now stop the connector from downloading if an error occurs. To do this, set the GET_FASTFAIL property to true. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [SNOW-333] GET_MAXRETRIES support

You can now set the maximum number of times that the GET command retries if it fails. To do this, set the GET_MAXRETRIES property to the number of retries. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [SNOW-334] Connect functions update

Connect functions such as SQLConnect and SQLDriverConnect now return SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO when the connection string includes an invalid property.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Snowflake ODBC Connector 2.24.1.

  • [SNOW-358] In some cases, when retrieving a large result set using the Arrow format, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • [SNOW-359] When using the Arrow format, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • [SNOW-369] When using parameter array binding, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • [SNOW-379] When the OCSP check fails during the connection process, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • [SNOW-381] When querying multiple statements and a procedure call is the first statement, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • [SNOW-390] When bulk retrieving using the Arrow format and the result set has empty binary data, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

Workflow Changes =============================================================

The following changes may disrupt established workflows for the connector.

2.23.2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Removed support for macOS 10.13

Beginning with this release, support for macOS 10.13 has been removed. For a list of supported macOS versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

1.4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Removed support for CentOS 6 and RHEL 6

Beginning with this release, support for CentOS 6 and RHEL 6 have been removed. For a list of supported Linux versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Version History ==============================================================

2.23.3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2021-07-30

Enhancements & New Features

  • [SNOW-254] Set compression level with PUT

You can now set the compression level of the PUT command using the PUT_COMPRESSLV property. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [SNOW-232] Support for SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC

The connector now supports SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC in the SQLBindParameter(), SQLParamData(), and SQLPutData() functions. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/sending-long-data.

  • [SNOW-320] Support for Windows Server 2019

The connector now supports Windows Server 2019. For a list of supported Windows versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [SNOW-295] Improvements to parameter array binding

For DML queries, the connector now supports array binding for parameters in places other than values.

  • [SNOW-118] Performance improvements

The connector has been updated with minor performance improvements.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Snowflake ODBC Connector 2.23.3.

  • [SNOW-248] When running PUT or GET queries in parallel (multithreading), the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • [SNOW-287] QLProcedureColumns() does not return the expected argument name.

  • [SNOW-312] The column size, buffer length, and octet length returned from SQLColumns() does not recognize the DEFAULT_VARCHAR_SIZE or DEFAULT_BINARY_SIZE setting.

  • [SNOW-332] In some cases, when retrieving a large result set using the Arrow format, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • [SNOW-340] SQLGetInfo does not return the correct binary file name.

2.23.2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2021-05-31

Enhancements & New Features

  • Additional connector properties

The connector has been updated to use the following connector properties, based on Snowflake ODBC Driver 2.23.2: - DEFAULT_BINARY_SIZE - DEFAULT_VARCHAR_SIZE - PUT_FASTFAIL - PUT_MAXRETRIES - PUT_TEMPDIR

For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [SNOW-244] Updated SqlGetInfo

SQLGetInfo now returns Snowflake ODBC Driver for SQL_DRIVER_NAME and 2.23.2 for SQL_DRIVER_VER.

  • [SNOW-288] Updated third-party libraries

The connector has been updated to use the following libraries: - libcURL version 7.74.0 (previously 7.68.0) - OpenSSL 1.1.1k (previously 1.1.1i)


Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide