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Posit Cloud Marketplace Offers#


The Posit Cloud marketplace offerings allow you to purchase Posit professional products through your preferred cloud provider.

The Posit marketplace products are identical to the on-premises versions of the products except that they are preconfigured servers with R, RStudio, and several packages configured for a turn-key experience. In addition, a different licensing binary is installed for AWS marketplace offerings to provide a better marketplace experience.


The AWS offering allows for an exact number of users to be chosen:

AWS Setup#

This section covers the specific IAM settings that our AWS offerings require.

Before you begin:

  • An IAM policy must be associated with the AWS Marketplace instance used by the Posit offerings to enable full product functionality.
  • These instructions assume that you have already subscribed to the Marketplace offer.

There is currently two methods for configuration: Follow the step-by-step instructions for setting this up (available below), or copy the JSON example provided in step 8 into your own infrastructure process.

  1. In the AWS Console, navigate to the AWS Marketplace Subscriptions and find the offer.
  2. Click Launch new instance.
  3. If required, edit the region and click Continue to launch through EC2.
  4. Review and update the settings to whatever is appropriate for your account (if needed).
    1. Make sure to change the instance type to something larger.
  5. Expand the Advanced Details section and navigate to the IAM instance profile line.
    1. If this is the first time running through these steps, click Create new IAM profile, which opens a new tab.
  6. Click Create role.
    1. Keep the AWS service selection.
    2. Select EC2.
    3. Click Next.
  7. Click Create Policy. This opens a new tab.

    The existing default License Manager policy does not have all 5 permissions needed, so that is why you need to create a new one.

  8. Switch to JSON view and paste in the following :

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"

  9. Navigate to: Next: Tags > Next: Review.

    1. Then, name the policy.
    2. Click Create Policy. After it saves, exit this tab.
  10. Return to the tab where you were creating an IAM profile.
    1. Click the refresh button to see your new policy.
    2. Select the policy.
    3. Then select Next.
  11. Name the role and click Create Role. After saving, exit this tab.
  12. Navigate back to the Launch an instance tab where you want to use the profile you just created.
  13. Click the refresh button and select the profile in IAM Instance Profile.
  14. Review your EC2 instance settings and then Launch Instance.

AWS Upgrades#

In-place upgrades of marketplace offerings on AWS can be done by following the standard upgrade process for the product:

AWS License Manager Upgrades#

In order to update the license-manager binary included with Connect and Workbench marketplace offerings:

  1. From your terminal, navigate to /opt/rstudio-license/ on the EC2 instance running your marketplace offering.
  2. Run python3 -c to check if an update is available for the license manager.
  3. When an update is available, the script will output the commands to run in your shell as root in order to upgrade the license-manager.

    Example output:

    systemctl stop rstudio-server && \
    sleep 3 && \
    wget -O /opt/rstudio-license/license-manager "" && \
    systemctl start rstudio-server
  4. Re-run python3 -c to check for updates. You should see: No updates required.

Azure and GCP#

The Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud offerings require a specific number of users to be chosen:

Microsoft Azure:

Google Cloud:


For Azure and GCP offerings, due to how licensing is managed for marketplace offerings, in-place upgrades of marketplace offerings are not supported. If you have a long-term, persistent need for Posit professional products, it is recommended that you follow the traditional install route within your own infrastructure. If you need to upgrade an Azure or GCP marketplace offering, we provide some general guidelines below.

Azure and GCP Upgrades#

Due to how licensing is managed for marketplace offerings, in-place upgrades of marketplace offerings are not supported on Azure and GCP.

If you need to upgrade a marketplace offering, the following serves as a general guideline.

When an updated version of Workbench or Connect is made available in the marketplace, the following sections can be used to migrate to the newer version.

Workbench Upgrades#

  1. Start a new instance from the marketplace with the upgraded version.
  2. Copy over the contents of user home directories from the old server to the new server.
  3. Copy over configuration files (/etc/rstudio) from the old server to the new server.
  4. Restart Workbench on the new server.
  5. Confirm everything is working as expected on the new server.
  6. Delete the old server.


  1. Start a new instance from the marketplace with the upgraded version.
  2. Follow the guidelines for server migration in the administration guide.
  3. Restart Connect on the new server.
  4. Confirm everything is working as expected on the new server.
  5. Delete the old server.