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Posit Professional Drivers

Posit Professional Drivers are ODBC data connectors.

Posit makes it easy to connect to your data with some of the most popular databases:

Pro Driver Driver’s Logos


Posit Professional Drivers help you:

  • Explore your databases using Posit Workbench
  • Develop and deploy applications and reports that depend on databases to Posit Connect
  • Use R with databases in the cloud or your production environment

Posit offers ODBC drivers for many common data sources at no additional cost to current paying customers. The Posit Support program covers the drivers are commercially licensed from Magnitude Simba.

Use of the Posit professional drivers is only available with other Posit professional software and not available on a standalone basis or with other software.

Use Posit professional drivers with the following products:

  • Posit Team bundle
  • RStudio Desktop Pro
  • Posit Workbench
  • Posit Connect
  • Shiny Server Pro

We don’t sell or offer Posit Professional Drivers for use with the free and open-source server or desktop software. Posit licenses don’t permit the use of the drivers with these products. Additionally, Posit tests the Posit Professional Drivers against the R ODBC connection toolchain. Namely, the DBI and odbc R packages. Currently, Posit tests the Posit Professional Drivers against the pyodbc in Python.

ODBC driver documentation

The ODBC Driver Installation and Configuration Guides contain more information on installing individual drivers.

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